Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving, AMWOSIP style

Okay, here's a stab at it:

you have a Kosher bird, so I don;t think you need to brine.

This is what I usually do, and you can add or take away whatever you want based on taste.

(what I told you about the other day was making an herb butter and spreading it under the skin, wherein you take herbs, salt, pepper and a stick of butter, mash together until they are soft and evenly mixed, and then put the butter mixture under the skin of the breast. Hee. Then, using your fingers, you massage the butter so that it gets under all the skin of the breast and will baste the turkey under the skin.)

Take your bird, rinse it and pat dry with paper towels. then salt and pepper the inside cavity, and throw a sachet of herbs including hella garlic, rosemary, sage, thyme, whatevs, in that momma. Also, squeeze and lemon in there and throw half a lemon in the cavity. Then, throw
some butter, maybe 3 TBsp in there. Tie up the legs if you are into that. You can find instruction for "trussing" on the iWeb. Yeah. Oh yeah.

Then rub the outside of the turkey (both sides) with butter, salt and pepper that bad boy, and tuck butter into the folds by the thighs and wings so that it bastes during the first part of roasting. also, I usually will throw some herbs and garlic in the bottom of the roasting pan along with some olive oil of butter. I also try to tuck some herbs and garlic into the folds by the thighs and wings. Squeeze a lemon over the top of that thing. Because you can.

I think the rule is to roast 15 minutes per pound, but you should check that on the inet. I like to start the turkey breast up to get a nice skin, then turn it about 1/3 through to get some juice down into the breast meat, then turn it again to finish breast side up so the skin gets wicked crispy. If at any point, you feel like the skin is bringing or too dark, cover it with tin foil. Baste with the juices from the pan ever 20-30 minutes so keep it moist. If it seems really dry for some reason, you can put some turkey stock in the bottom of the pan, but you should be fine because you have a kosher bird.

Then, girl, when it's ready, rest the turkey breast side down. On a carving board.

Take the roasting pan and either transfer all the liquids into a pot, or just cook directly in the roasting pan itself. Toss some flour (should be about equal portions to the fat) and stir until you make a roux. The deglaze with white wine and stock and stir until it bubbles. This creates pimp as hell gravy, which you can salt a pepper to taste.

Then make Chad give you a back massage.

Then you are done. Uh huh.

Take the temperature of your turkey in the thickest part of the thigh. It should register at 180 degrees. The turkey will keep cooking as it rests, and will become even more delicious. I recommend to serve after resting for 20-30 minutes.

Damn. Girl, damn.


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