Tuesday, July 05, 2005

OT continued

Well, early on we lost 2 oxen (They wandered off) causing a 2 day delay. However, we successfully crossed the first river. then we shot a buffalo which weighed 963 pounds, but were only able to carry 100 lbs back to the wagon.

Because we are weak. Indoor kids.

We forded the second river, but our supplies got wet, costing us 1 day. I switched to "grueling" pace.
we passed the gravesite of "diet coke" (april 9th). We mourn appropriately.
one of the oxen is injured (April 10th)
Jon has dysentary (May 7th)
Wrong Trail (may 24)
Inadequate Grass (may 30th)
(hmmm. who needs the grass?)
Very Little water (june 14th)
Anna has Typhoid (June 20)
Successfully cross the snake river (June 30th)
Impassable trail . lose 8 days (July 11)
Anna has a broken leg (july 20)
Anna has died (July 25th)
ok, gotta quit for the night. Time to leave work.

more OT in the future, though probably not tomorrow.

I left my home at 6:34. It is now 11:04. Is mentioning that breaking the rules?


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