Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Short Play on the Nature of Workplace Frustration

Names have been altered to protect the innocent and point unwavering fingers at the guilty.

Kallie, Bibby and Elizabeth appear onstage, lit by a swinging naked bulb, sitting around a Formica table. There is tons of smoke, though none of the women are actually smoking. The table is covered in papers, maps, colored pieces of paper, and other detritus.

They work furiously, throwing away crumpled notes, muttering to themselves. The chaos starts to build as they are obviously overcome by frustration. A high pitched whir, like a fan, but more metallic and awful sounding begins to consume the stage.

The fan becomes a whirring squeal.

Bibby stands, faces forward, throws her fist in the air.

Bibby: I am Citizenship! I take pride in my community and hope that it grows stronger every day! I accomplish this goal by yelling inappropriately at my coworkers and doing crappy plays about lesbians in Mike Berg's living room.

Elizabeth stands, faces forward, first in the air.

Elizabeth: I am Ensemble! I hope to embody the community and live each day as a member of the fabric of the America dream!

Kallie stand, turns forward, first in the air.

Kallie: I am Innovation! I look backwards, to the past, to make sure that we tread over meticulously plotted ground. I believe that our elders know best, that children should be seen and not heard, and I like to tell people that I sew my own clothes, even though I buy most of them at Anthropology!

A silence. As Kallie speaks these next lines, Elizabeth and Bibby come over and try to support her as the is obviously about to fall over (she could be drunk, or just on a boat, it doesn't really matter). Every time Kallie almost falls over, Elizabeth and Bibby catch her, and it causes physical pain.

Kallie: I am Innovation! I am satisfied by nothing more than the status quo! I am innovation! I teach my children to beg from their father so I never have to make difficult decisions. I am innovation! I steal from the break room instead of buying my own lunches. I am innovation! I like Green Day. I am innovation! I am innovation! I am innovation!

Two more women enter and begin to throw popcorn, or maybe stones, at the three women. They are Pimberly and Tobin. They laugh and laugh, as they throw more at the three women. Somehow Elizabeth, Kallie and Bibby become buried in popcorn or stones or something.

A women walks by. She is The Boss.

The boss: Can one of you get me a Diet Coke?



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