Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This One Time, we talked about putting this on the Internet

I was in Chicago last weekend, and an old joke was resurrected, much to my delight.

How can you combine people's names and the names of countries to create hilarious hybrids?

Like this:
Ann Mariethiopia
The Seanited Arab Emirates
Miguel Salvador

Seriously, this is a fun game! Try it at home! It's almost as fun as playing 'Foreign or Gay' at Charles De Gaulle or a game we invented in Arts in Context class called "Is it an art or a craft?" This game is based loosely on the book Art Worlds by Howard Becker. In the game, you determine if an object (or even an auteur) is an art or a craft based on basic differentiators like the usefulness of the object, or the education status of its creator. Who knew?

I need to learn how to put pictures on this blog. So I can show kids from high school my baby and how thin I am compared to when I was 17! Suckers!


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