Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Yesterday, all our troubles were so far away

Digest: Space is Awesome, or lessons from a rainy day woman #45
So, it's official: Space is awesome. Pretty amazing. After a small dispute with my roommate this morning about whether or not space was in fact the way to bind humanity in a a common cause of peace, exploration and learning, I decided that despite her pessimism, I would believe that Space is the shit, and ain't nobody going to tell me different. The launch was beautiful and amazing.
Buying presents for your sister or you female life companion is hard, especially when your tastes overlap.
Chicago has a proposal to build a hellsa tall building near Navy Pier. Why? Who cares? When? Who knows? To what end? Promoting terrorism. We will not always be the Second City. Once we have the three tallestbuildings in America, and the busiest airport, we will be a major target too.
NPR for black people teaches me a lot. Heidi Robberbaron likes me to call is News and Notes.
Our friends made out with Jennifer Aniston outside the shop for some movie. Vince Vaughn then totally bought them a beer. Or something. Go tell your friends.
I briefly considered becoming a prostitute. Damn you, Craigslist. Damn you, paycheck.

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
--Dorothy Parker

"What can I say about that coat that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan?" --Dave Chappelle


Anonymous Anonymous said...


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