Monday, November 14, 2005

You're Just Jealous of my Skill-z

Some of you witnessed Massachusetts' greatest talent on display last Saturday. I am speaking, of course, of the dancing to some fine 80's music that CTHJB and I displayed.

So vote, does this innate talent come from Boston's "Dirty Water", the "tea in the harbor", the "blatant liberalism" or something else? Feel free to weigh in.

Meanwhile, at the party where I demonstrated the aforemention skillz, the cold I've been fighting off successfully migrated into my nose and head into my voice and chest. So now when I speak I sound like a frog. For a good time you should come visit me at the box office tonight before TWG. I'll take your money with a croak, it'll be good for a laugh.

I haven't posted in a while because my new job actually demands my full attention (I know, right?). I know you all (both of you. Yeah, you S. S. and L.P.) have really missed it. But just picture me 80's dancing, that should make it all better.


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